[Land-speed] End of the High performance car???

Bryan Savage b.a.savage at wildblue.net
Sat Feb 16 16:42:10 MST 2008


Have you looked at HCCI technology? Some interesting possibilities.


> Generating electricity on-board makes more sense right now. More so than 
> storing energy anyway.
> Partial load throttle response is a problem for current lean burn 
> technology but that isn't an issue for a motor used only to generate 
> electricity.
> We can use a lean burn motor only to generate electricity and 
> drastically improve economy while not sacrificing performance.
> It is possible to get ~50 to ~60 mpg and get performance comparable to a 
> 500 bhp motor. We have the technology to do this right now and at a 
> reasonable cost.
> I'm working on a small lean burn motor incorporating infinitely variable 
> valve lift, timing, and duration towards this end right now. Since none 
> of this is yet patented I can't really go into any detail but it is all 
> very "doable" as they say.
> John Thornton

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