[Land-speed] Killinger and Freund Motorcycle

Jon Wennerberg jonwennerberg at nancyandjon.org
Mon Dec 22 07:45:20 MST 2008

On Dec 21, 2008, at 8:55 PM, Glen Barrett wrote:

Check it out.


----- Original Message -----
Subject: Killinger and Freund Motorcycle


Somewhere around here I've got a 20 x 30 poster of the Megola  
motorcycle - with the five-cylinder engine in the front wheel.  Better  
than just seeing the full-color thing -- I got the poster at the "Art  
of the Motorcycle" show when it went through Chicago a few years ago.   
What were there -- like a hundred or more iconic bikes of history.   
And one of them belonged to one of the LSR folks -- Larry Forstall,  
from Pennsylvania, had (I think it was) a Ducati in the exhibition.   
One of those bikes with only a mile or two on the odo -- and those  
miles were from rolling the bike into this and out of that exhibition  
over the years.

Back to the Megola -- if I can find a photo I'll post it.  Quite an  
interesting concept.  No streamlining, like the K - and - F, though.

       Jon Wennerberg
Tall guy with moustache
and a pair of 2 Club hats

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