[Land-speed] YAW Control

Bryan Savage b.a.savage at wildblue.net
Sat Dec 20 09:01:52 MST 2008

You're right Keith --- for normal cars.

I was thinking about Streamliners and some have been built with the 
driver just
behind the front axle. In a 30 foot long car, this doesn't give the 
driver's butt much
yaw feed back.

How well the drivers butt has been trained is, in my opinion, critical. 
Drivers whose
experience includes Saturday night at the Fairgrounds dirt track stand 
out in their
ability to handle spin prone cars.


Keith Turk wrote:
> Mayf... wierd as this might sound... oh and obnoxious.. most of us 
> just... ahhh DRIVE...seriously... your butt will tell you everything 
> you need to know... if your butt is going left, turn that way.... same 
> thing for the right only different... if your butt is going right.... 
> Turn RIGHT... ( not left... see  I told ya it was different )
> Seroiusly... it's your job in the few minutes we get on the salt each 
> year... the rest of it is a pure mechanical exercise ...
> Keith

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