[Land-speed] Green El Mirage -- was DLRA NEEDS YOUR HELP!!

Ed Weldon 23.weldon at comcast.net
Wed Dec 3 12:22:44 MST 2008

El Mirage and the greens

JD -- 

I used to be a much stronger supporter of the "green" position than I am
today.  I still think there are a lot of good things we can do to conserve
and preserve our environment and the natural assets of our planet.  But I am
sick and tired of the ignorance, illogic and downright fraud being pushed by
so called environmentalists that are most interested in making a good living
from various endowments that pay their salaries as leaders of this, that or
the other advocacy group.

We need to push back with real facts, not emotion stirring hyperbole and
falsehoods.  The human race is not a pathological infestation of this
planet.  In a universe with millions of similar planets (do the math, now)
the one we live about is really about one thing, Humanity.  Certainly we
need all the other animals, plants and ecosystems and do well to preserve
them for various good reasons.  But they are all secondary.  People come

El Mirage is a tiny piece of the millions of acres of similar desert
landscape in California.  It serves a very useful social purpose of
providing an outdoor recreation site for a lot of our citizens.  It is
currently managed responsibly and produces negligible impact on the
surrounding natural environment.  The dry lake and surrounding trails
provide an operational and testing ground for the efforts of hundreds of
responsible hobbyists.  These folks are some of the last remnants of the
slowly dying US manufacturing technology.  We should be doing everything we
can to encourage them rather than locking the gates to one of the few places
they can enjoy the fruits of their creativity.

Close El Mirage?  What are they trying to do?  Stop scaring a few
jackrabbits?   Put us all in a safe little sedentary cocoon where we'd all
die from heart disease and diabetes by eating ourselves to death?  Improve
property values for developers who would cover the entire desert with urban
sprawl and suck up all the ground water if they could?

Not in my lifetime either!! And I'd bet a lot of us would be ready to fight
the "E-parasites".

Ed Weldon

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Tone" <gmc6power at earthlink.net>
To: "Keith Turk" <kturk at adelphia.net>; <land-speed at autox.team.net>;
"SkipHigginbotham" <saltrat at pahrump.com>; <drmayf at mayfco.com>;
<kidavis at beckman.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] DLRA NEEDS YOUR HELP!!

> The Greenies will get El Mirage some day too. I just hope it's not in my

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