[Land-speed] FIA Car Classes

drmayf drmayf at mayfco.com
Thu Aug 28 19:20:15 MDT 2008

Ok, so a little bird put a notion in myhead at SW. Said something like 
hey the sunbeam should  have a go at the FIA record for a full bodied 
car. Now for the life of me, I can make absolutley no sense of how that 
organization works or classifies cars. If for no other reason, I'd at 
least like to know what group, class, etc I would run in. No i tis not 
likely to happen unless I win the lottery and even then it woul dbe a 
spur of the moment decision...

so if any of you have a clue as to who he classification system works 
int he FIA and what the record might me, can/will you help me figure it 

Just reply and I will give all the car particulars and we can go from 


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