[Land-speed] Hydrogen Vehicles And Safety>From>Jim McNaul

jgmagoo at comcast.net jgmagoo at comcast.net
Sat Jul 14 15:10:49 MDT 2007

This was copied and pasted from the article on page two on  www.landracing.com  entitled "Ford To Run Hydrogen Powered Fusion At Bonneville...."

"The company already has a fleet of 30 hydrogen powered Focus fuel cell vehicles on the road as part of a worldwide, seven-city program to conduct real world testing of fuel cell technology. The 30-car fleet has accumulated more than 540,000 miles since its inception in 2005."

If Ford Motor Company is comfortable with the liabillity of running 30 hydrogen powered vehicles on the road, 'worldwide, 7-cities',  they must have the safety aspects pretty well  figured out.

aka Jim McNaul
Silverthorne, Colorado
(It's sunny and 72-degrees outside at 9,600 ft. and I'm looking at the snow-capped peaks above the house.)

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