[Land-speed] Dash Plaques..

drmayf drmayf at mayfco.com
Tue Dec 11 08:56:05 MST 2007

Well, thank you both! JD, I knew you mailed the dash plaques for the 
very reason you state. Your return was on the envelope. Contrary to what 
seems to be popular belief, I am not stupid. But with the SCTA and it's 
age old ingrown bureaucracy, it is hard to tell who actually does what. 
I know that you get the data from somewhere and that you somehow 
validate it and then maybe you get them made and then returned to you. 
For all I know the data you got was in error and needed to be fixed 
somewhere else. When I sent the note out, I was kinda hoping that you 
would just step up to the plate and say that you would  look into it. 
Nope I get some sarcastic bullshit from you about look in the rule book 
to find the name of the guy who does it. A simple I'll fix it was all 
that was required.  I even replied to you directly trying to throw out 
an olive branch but I see that was rejected. Ok by me.

Now, Keith, what does a stationary target mean to you in my regards? 
That I am not a doer or a mover and shaker? Or what? I am really curious 
as to what you really meant by the comment below. Are the non stationary 
targets the SCTA folk or the ECTA folk or? Are they the really fast 
folk? Or the membership folk. Who are the rest of us stationary targets? 

I don't really profess to be anybody in this sport except to be one of 
the little guys who helps pay the freight so the rest of you can enjoy 
doing what  you do. Hell, if I am not welcome anymore then it really is 
easy enough to keep me home. Just tell me you don't want me to 
participate and I'll be done, 86 me, lol. I can find another way to 
scratch my itch for the Sunbeam.

I'm done now. Back to being stationary and quiet.


James Tone wrote:

>It's amazing that people do not know where they come from when there is a return address on every envelop. KT congrats on the 60.........
> Dash Plaques..
>>>Mayf are they picking on you?
>>Hmmm..... YEP... Only cause we can of course....   because he's a stationary 
>>target and as far as targets of opportunity... he's as good as they get....
>>Bout sums it up... LOL
>>Keith ( 60 days )
>drmayf at mayfco.com
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