[Land-speed] Driving skills

Keith Turk kturk at ala.net
Sat Aug 25 10:46:59 MDT 2007

Well I've pondered this question quite a bit and wanted to bring it up simply
as a topic of discussion.

We all assume we are gods at driving race cars... simply cause we're guys (
for the most part )   My question is how good are we really?  Most of us are
semi older ( not all of us want to admit that-Tonya signed us up for AARP this
morning)... our reflexes are what they are... and our experience is truly
limited to the occasional opportunities that we have each year...

David's recommended a couple of different driving schools to increase our
skills and Both Tonya and I are interested in doing that...  mostly because we
think it would be a blast and increase our knowledge base...

One of the things that I can say for both of us is that we don't drive over
our skill level...  we have a tendency if anything to be a bit conservative...
but even with that said... what is our skill level and how can we increase it
with so few opportunities....

Any thoughts on the whole subject?  or anything specific?


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