[Healeys] Speedo Cable

Alan Seigrist healey.nut at gmail.com
Mon Oct 21 22:24:00 MDT 2024

Removing the GB cover is generally pretty easy, I would just take it off.
Probably only 15 min worth of work, just about the same amount of time
you'll spend putting it on a lift.



On Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 11:30 AM <m.g.sharp at sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Roger,  No experience with the BJ8, but likely the same as my BT7, and I
> have removed the complete cable before without removing the gearbox cover.
> It is a real fiddle as it is obscured by the cruciform in the frame.  I
> seem to recall I used some long needle-nose pliers and could just get
> enough grip on the knurled “nut” that holds the cable onto the angle drive
> to undo it.  I don’t think I removed the angle drive, but in truth can’t
> recall.  It was painstaking as I could only rotate the knurled piece a tiny
> bit at a time.  In the end, it may have been less frustration to remove the
> cover.  However, it worth a try.  Good luck with it!
> Mirek
> *From:* Healeys <healeys-bounces at autox.team.net> *On Behalf Of *Roger
> Grace
> *Sent:* October 21, 2024 10:10 PM
> *To:* Healeys <healeys at autox.team.net>
> *Subject:* [Healeys] Speedo Cable
> BJ8
> I need to remove the speedo cable from my BJ8 - not just the inner  but
> the complete cable at the rt angle drive.
> So, wondering if the more experienced could comment if this can be done
> from downstairs without removing the GB cover ?
> Any thoughts, ideas or tricks appreciated.
> rg
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