[Healeys] End of an Era - Route 66 trip - car preparation

Al Fuller alfuller194 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 27 22:01:17 MDT 2024

Stephen: you could try canting the driver's seat back with relatively low
effort and no permanent damage to the car by removing the seat and
inserting either a wedge or just a bushing in the front. Yes, you might
have to move the seat forward a bit but the resultant position might still
be better.

Best Regards,
Al Fuller

On Sat, Jul 27, 2024, 6:34 PM Stephen Hutchings via Healeys <
healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:

> I have a BJ8, and I’ve always wondered about canting the seat back…on my
> car I just don’t see how it would work because it’s pushed back as far as
> it will go and hits the quarter panel trim.
> I’ve got nowhere to go as far as canting it back- I would have to move the
> seat forward, and  I would  then not have enough room for my legs …maybe a
> lot of you BJ8 owners have shorter legs than me?
> Over the years I’ve thought about removing the quarter panel trim, but
> that would be kind of ugly.
> I’ve driven the car across North America, and many miles since, so I’ve
> learned to get used to it, but it’s definitely not the ideal driving
> position!
> Stephen, BJ8
> On Jul 27, 2024, at 6:48 AM, rfbegani at gmail.com wrote:
> I have used all the insulation mentioned to the outside and inside of the
> entire compartment in addition to the header pipes all the way to the
> mufflers.  For the seats, their cover has been replaced with real leather,
> extra padding and installed the metal lift from Hendrix to Kant the back of
> the seat along with moving the seat as far back as possible.  I am 6 foot
> one with long legs as a result I am much more comfortable driving the long
> trips, although have not taken any in many years. Meanwhile, still enjoying
> my Healey on 2- and 3-hour trips in the SW Florida winter.  Never in the
> summer.  82 years young!
> Really do enjoy these conversations,
> Bob Begani
> 67 BJ8
> *From:* Healeys <healeys-bounces at autox.team.net> *On Behalf Of *Hank
> Leach via Healeys
> *Sent:* Saturday, July 27, 2024 12:58 AM
> *To:* Harold Manifold <manifold at telus.net>; richard mayor <
> boyracer466 at gmail.com>
> *Cc:* Healeys <healeys at autox.team.net>
> *Subject:* Re: [Healeys] End of an Era - Route 66 trip - car preparation
> As long as we are all showing our underwear, here is my solution to the
> heat issues.  I used a composite aluminum bubble wrap called Prodex on the
> 100 floorboards and tunnel cover prior to the standard proper underlayment.
> It made a huge difference in heat and sound. Hank
> --------------------
> From: "Harold Manifold" <manifold at telus.net>
> To: "richard mayor" <boyracer466 at gmail.com>
> Cc: "Healeys" <healeys at autox.team.net>
> Sent: July 26, 2024 at 6:16 PM PDT
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] End of an Era - Route 66 trip - car preparation
> Since we are on this topic I did something similar to Richard. Under the
> insulation boards on the engine side of the foot well I put a layer of Kool
> Mat. On the inside of the foot well a layer of Noico sound deadening and
> then a layer of Noico insulation liner. Just to be safe I wrapped the
> headers. The attached picture is fitting the Koot Mat before installing the
> insulation boards.
> I had never restored a Healey before but was warned about the infamous
> Healey Hot Foot. My approach might be a bit of overkill but no problems
> with hot feet.
> Harold
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 2:20 PM richard mayor <boyracer466 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I insulated the footwells from the engine side with an adhesive heat
> barrier material used in race cars.  Sorry, can’t tell you the
> manufacturer.  I made sure there were no cracks, gaps or holes. Any
> firewall gaps where cables or hoses go through  were sealed with dum-dum (3
> M black rope caulk).  I used Hush Mat on the inside of my foot well.  I put
> the Hush Mat all across the top of the inside of the firewall where that
> strip of tar paper is applied and I also covered the air box that goes
> across the inside of the firewall.
>  I eliminated the two piece metal tunnel and tunnel extension and used a
> BJ8 fiberglass tunnel which makes a really good seal in that area. Finally,
> I put side vents in my fenders that allows the heat to flow out and
> eliminates that high pressure area in the transmission tunnel.  I have no
> insulation, inside or out, and no carpeting  on my BJ8 tunnel.  It gets
> fairly warm on hot days but it does not get hot.
> I can drive my car in 90 degree weather and my feet stay cool.
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