[Healeys] Lay Gear End Float

Michael Salter michaelsalter at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 12:14:18 MST 2024

I've never seen a published figure for laygear endfloat Harold but my
conclusion was the same as yours so I always try to set it to between 1 & 3
On occasion I've had to resort to turning up my own rear thrust bearings to
achieve the "correct" end float.
One box that came into us with a complaint of jumping out of 4th gear all
the time had a broken and therefore missing rear thrust washer. Setting up
the endfloat with a custom made thrust washer to compensate for the wear
and refacing of the end of the laygear and making no other changes solved
the problem completely.


On Tue., Jan. 9, 2024, 1:13 p.m. Harold Manifold, <manifold at telus.net>

> I will be assembling my Side Shift Gearbox soon. As I am going through the
> parts list I noticed the rear thrust washer for the Lay Gear is available
> in different thickness which suggests there is a specification for the end
> float. The thrust washers come in 0.003" increments which would suggest an
> end float of 0.001" to 0.003".
> Does that sound right?
> Thanks... Harold
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