[Healeys] Synchro/Baulk Ring Question

S and T Miller stmiller96 at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 3 12:49:10 MST 2024

Toughen up the mating surfaces with say 150 grit sand paper.  Gives it some tooth. It gets smooth over time. John Twist told me that tip and it works great.


 Message: 1
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2024 09:15:17 -0800
From: Harold Manifold <manifold at telus.net>
To: Healey List <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] Synchro/Baulk Ring Question
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Hello and Happy New Year,

I have just disassembled my rebuilt side shift transmission after only
2,000 miles to deal with a problem shifting from 4th to 3rd. The synchro
rings were brand new and supplied by Denis Welch. It appears the synchro
ring has worn prematurely. There is no sign of any problems with the mating
tapered hub on the gear.

There is nothing obvious why the 3/4 synchro was not working properly. Is
there a specification for the minimum gap between the synchro ring and the
face of the mating gear? A new synchro ring is on order. What all should I
check to ensure the problem doesn't repeat itself?

Thanks... Harold

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