[Healeys] BN2 hood (soft-top)

mike brooks hypercubic at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Dec 15 13:51:21 MST 2023

I'm installing a new soft top on my BN2. I've just finished tidying up the frame which had some loose pivots and worn pivot holes. The frame is now in good shape and today I trial fitted it in the BN2. It fits very well when it's up, pulling down evenly onto the windscreen top. However, when it's folded up behind the seats,  it packs up too far forward on the left hand side, by about 1/2 an inch. On investigation, I can see that the cause is that the bracket that holds the frame to  the side wall is 1/2" further forward on the left side than the one on the right side. My first thought was to shift the left hand bracket back 1/2 an inch, but I guess this would mess up the fit on the windscreen.
Has anyone else had this problem, and if so what is the fix? I want to sort this out before I fit the soft top obviously. 
Thanks for any help.
Mike BScotland
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
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