[Healeys] Sticker stock- machine shop labor

i erbs eyera3000 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 18:47:25 MDT 2022

last time I had my engine rebuilt was over 45 years ago and the machine
shop work was done for two cases of beer. I worked at the Auto Parts store
at the time. Plus $45 bucks for balancing the driveline.
Ira Erbs
      _______                                  _______
     (______ \____1959 BN4____/ _______)
          BT7 engine and disk brakes

1967 MGB  [image: MG]

A racing car is an animal with a thousand adjustments. Mario Andretti
Please excuse random auto corrects and misspelled words

On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 5:06 PM S and T Miller via Healeys <
healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:

> It's probably been 10 yrs since I last rebuilt an AH engine, so I might
> just be out of touch the rising costs. Has anyone recently had machine shop
> work done on a 100 engine and could you let me know if what I paid seems
> reasonable? I've had work done at this particular shop and consider them
> the best around, so the quality of work isn't questioned. Keep in mind I
> supplied all parts (valves, springs, guides, cam bearings,  freeze plugs,
> etc.). Also I delivered a disassembled engine, and I'm assembling the
> engine.
> Clean and machine stock flywheel $140
> Head- cook, Magna Flux, replace guides, machine seats/ guides, resurface,
> and assembly $510
> Clean, Magna flux and resize rods $260
> Clean/ grind crank and machine slinger area for rear seal kit $580
> Block- cook, deck, install one cylinder sleeve, bore all 4, line bore
> mains, install cam bearings, install freeze plugs, machine lip off rear
> main cap for rear seal kit. $1,675
> I know this is a loaded question,  and really just curious if these seem a
> bit inflated. When I Googled average costs, it seems high, but then again,
> it's not a Chevy.
> TY, Shawn
> The Millers
> "Always drive them, but remember each drive in an antique car is a test
> drive."
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