[Healeys] Lucas 6RA Relays

Mirek Sharp m.g.sharp at sympatico.ca
Tue Jan 28 15:45:05 MST 2020

Hi Mike,


First, what winter?

Second, I might be interested in purchasing one or two of these relays, pending the responses from the genii,  as I have a couple of applications for them on the BT7 and the MGs (e.g. driving/fog lamps)


Best, Mirek


From: Healeys [mailto:healeys-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Michael Salter
Sent: January-28-20 5:22 PM
To: healeys at autox.team.net
Subject: [Healeys] Lucas 6RA Relays


One for the electrical geniuses. 

As I sort my way through my boxes and boxes of electrical parts I  keep coming across Lucas 6RA relays. These are the ones in the little steel box with the bracket on the back with 2 mounting holes.

Ignoring those with more than 4 terminals I must have at least 15 different Lucas part numbers for what appears to be the same relay.

All are 12 volt and all have 4 terminals 

W1 & W2 which are the coil (winding) and C1 & C2 which are the contacts ... like what get switched.

A couple are normally closed contracts (NC) but the vast majority are normally open (NO).

I have checked the continuity between the various terminals and in all cases the C terminals are isolated from the W terminals and all terminals are isolated from the steel enclosure.

I've opened a few up and,  internally,  as far as I can tell, they appear to be virtually identical. 

So ... to my question ... why all the different part numbers, as I  understand it these things are essentially an electrically operated switch, what can be so different between them that they need to have so many different part numbers?

Perhaps I should also mention that Lucas is very particular in requiring a specific part number for each application... what am I missing.

Please avoid comments referring to the long Canadian winter  ... they make my wife angry ... she's a local and they get a bit sensitive when such is mentioned 😊




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