[Healeys] Over heating and adding additional core tubes to theexisting radiator

Robert Begani rfbegani at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 10:24:29 MST 2020

I agree with you, however, this is south Florida where a cool winter day is today, where the temperature is currently 79 degrees and rising to a high of 83 degrees with a se wind at 7 mph.  Great for a day sail on the Harbor which I will do in the next hour.  However, it does make driving a hot car fun. There is not enough cooling capacity in the stock radiator to handle hot climates and have to stop and go because the temperature does not go down only up.  So the next step is to re-core the radiator.  The local radiator guy knows the problem and for $500 will provide new core using the old tanks which will give at least 50% more cooling capacity.  This is a SKI purchase.  Spend the Kids Inheritance.  Then I will think about wrapping the exhaust manifolds and headers to stop vapor lock.


What do you think about Push and Pull?  Take off the engine fan?


By the way, I know the engine machine shop boiled out, oil bathed, everything in the engine during his machining of the engine to bring it up to specifications.  He knows what to do.  The only modification is the 20 over pistons.  


Why do other Healey’s with a stock radiator not have this problem, who knows?




From: Perry <healeyguy at aol.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 11:47 AM
To: Robert Begani <rfbegani at gmail.com>
Subject: RE: [Healeys] Over heating and adding additional core tubes to theexisting radiator



With the extras that you have added to facilitate the airflow the car should be running much cooler than 212, even with a stock radiator. There is something else amiss in the equation. 



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From: Robert Begani <mailto:rfbegani at gmail.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 11:23 AM
To: 'Perry' <mailto:healeyguy at aol.com> 
Subject: RE: [Healeys] Over heating and adding additional core tubes to theexisting radiator


Hi Perry:


I do not remember the CFM, however, it is the Hayden Fan offered by Moss with the largest diameter to fit the radiator.  As a pusher it really pushes air through the engine compartment at low speeds and standing still. I still have an original Texas 6 blade fan on the engine.  As I was searching overheating problems, one reference indicated that is not recommended as they act against each other.




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