[Healeys] paint

Larry Wendland bighealey3k at aim.com
Sun Jan 13 11:29:12 MST 2019

According to Moss's website they sell it in an aerosol can.  Here's the link.  https://mossmotors.com/spray-paint-engine-light-green

'67 BJ8

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Dimmock <austin.healey at gmail.com>
To: healeymanjim <healeymanjim at hansencc.net>
Cc: healeys at autox.team.net <healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sun, Jan 13, 2019 4:22 am
Subject: Re: [Healeys] paint

Hi Jim,
POR used to make the light metallic green Healey engine paint, I used it on my 3000 20 years ago. I tried to buy some recently, but the Australian distributor said it was discontinued. I'm unsure whether he meant they didn't import it, or POR stopped making it. 
But POR did make a light metallic green engine paint 20 years ago 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 13 Jan 2019, at 8:51 am, healeymanjim <healeymanjim at hansencc.net> wrote:
> is anyone on list familiar with the POR-15 healey engine paint?  is it like the moss cans or more like the morris minor, early 
> austin healey green?
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