[Healeys] Fuel gauge damper's super capacitor

simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com
Thu Nov 15 03:07:31 MST 2018


Questions for the tech type super-gurus.

See the attached article, something I picked up on the internet &/or from
this list.

I've finally got round to doing it and have bought a pair of
super-capacitors (SC), below:

d=p2060353.m2749.l2649> &_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649


The article infers to me, at least, that the + terminal of the SC is wired
directly to the same terminal connection on the gauge as the wire from the
tank sender unit. The - terminal is earthed. How does that system work?
Won't the tank's fluctuating signal, for want of a better word, simply
bypass the SC and carry on flickering the needle??


And, assuming I ever get the wiring sorted out, will the SC get hot? Mine
has a metal case and I've had to thoroughly insulate it. I have visions of
the fuel gauge working nicely until the insulation catches fire...


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