[Healeys] Portable battery jump starter

Robert Begani rfbegani at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 12:35:48 MDT 2018

I will be using my friend's Jump Charger to start my Dead Battery Chrysler
Convert in storage in Michigan when we get there May 15th.  I tried to use
my other car and battery cables to start it last month, after a long winter.
It would only tick.   Let you know how it does. Hope it works as the battery
is in a compartment and the access door is in the fender well and the car is
nose into a shed.


I read the amazon reviews on the Bolt Power d28 and d29 which are very
positive about turning over engines larger that our engines  My friend who
owns a 5 bay garage is impressed with today's small jump chargers when
compared to previous generations.  And, he indicates the battery should be
closer to 1000Amh to really spin the engine.  The high end units are selling
a inverter, compressor, etc rather that raw power.  My opinion of course.
Maybe the genius which was just recommended?




Bob Begani 


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