[Healeys] Mount a coil on an alternator - ultimate solution

Larry Varley varley at cosmos.net.au
Sun Dec 25 16:10:31 MST 2016

Josef makes some good points here, I have also seen a number of 
aftermarket alternators fail quickly, and the problem with little or no 
charge at idle. You have to have a good look at the manufactures data on 
output v speed and see what you will get from the alternator, I suggest 
you will be surprised how little they give until they get speed. It is a 
myth to think that just fitting an alternator will fix a charging 
problem. So do the sums before going down that road. Meanwhile my 
ancient Lucas generator works fine.


Larry Varley

On 26/12/2016 2:21 AM, josef-eckert at t-online.de wrote:
> I have to contradict this. The company I am working for (I am responsible for all electrical components they sell and customer complains) is a distributer for those dynamator alternators on European mainland. Out of 10 there are 1-2 which fail after a few seconds of work, another 2 after some hours of work. And the output power of these dynamators is comparable to original generators (just slightly higher, but not remarkable) and they do not deliver at idle speed. So no real benefit at all. Only they are lighter than original Generators as they have an aluminium body.
> Usually their diods die very soon or they have overheating or bearing problems.
> Josef Eckert
> Konigswinter/Germany


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