[Healeys] Stripped bolt

Larry Wendland bighealey3k at aim.com
Tue Oct 27 19:30:54 MDT 2015

Ira,  Before you start cutting, drilling and other forms of mayhem, try using the generator plate to exert some pressure on the bolt head by removing all the other bolts and pry the gen. plate away from the engine block and turn the offending bolt with a box wrench or socket and see if the bolt will catch the threads and back it self out.  

'67 BJ8

-----Original Message-----
From: I Erbs <eyera3000 at gmail.com>
To: Ahealey help <healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 4:02 am
Subject: [Healeys] Stripped bolt

Generator plate leaked after I last removed it. Cleaned Right Stuff off, used copper gasket sealer. When removing old bolts i realized the one above the leak spot was not fitting right. retightening bolts and replacing weird one went well. I hand tightened all bolts until firm. One upper bolt would not tighten and now it won't untighten either. Wanky one was a bottom bolt. Any suggestions for removing bad bolt? and clean up the threads ? Shit I'd just like to drive the bugger. 
Mr. Ira Erbs

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