[Healeys] Smitty Speedo cable

Steve Gerow steveg at abrazosdata.com
Sat Jun 14 07:04:32 MDT 2014

Some of my experiences with the hybrid cable:


Nisonger made mine - any speedo shop should be able to. They'll need the
exact length.


I originally made do without the Toyota angle connector on the trans, but
the cable died in a year - too much of a bend exiting the trans.


You may also need your speedo recalibrated to the gear drive in the Toyota
trans. Nisonger has a pdf on how to measure the rotations of the speedo
cable when pushing the car through 52 ft 9-1/2".


IMHO you should also make sure the Toyota trans mount centering bolt is
riding on the leading edge of the hole so the engine won't move forward
under braking.




Steve Gerow

Altadena, CA, USA


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