[Healeys] texas cooler

BJ8Healeys sbyers at ec.rr.com
Wed Dec 31 07:41:55 MST 2014

I replaced the original two-piece fan on my BJ8 with a series of fans of different design as one step in an effort to cool the engine down.  None  of the fans had much of an effect on coolant temperature, but some of them were noticeably louder with an objectionable whine.  I tried the Texas Kooler, which also did not in itself have an apparent effect on the coolant temperature, but it was quiet and I was happy enough with it to leave it installed.  I  have had no problems with it in the 14 years and 75000 miles since installing it.  I keep the original two-piece fan in the boot against the possibility that something might happen to the Kooler when I’m a long way from home.   It was the re-cored radiator and the sleeved thermostat that finally solved the cooling problem for me.


The problems we have been discussing with blades breaking off the fans, I believe, is not with original fans but with the solid  (not riveted) multi-blade metal fans that people have used to replace the original fans, particularly the ones that Moss was offering for a while.  The parts manual shows a 6-blade fan available on BJ7s up to chassis 18808 not delivered to the UK market, and 8-blade and 16-blade fans for BJ8s intended for the German and Swiss markets.   Whether these have ever had a problem with failures, I do not know, but somehow I doubt it.  I once saw a fan blade poking through the bonnet of a car at Conclave.   It looked like a blade from an original two-piece fan, but I’m not sure of that.


As far as changing the original oil filter canister, that was the first modification I did to my car after having a mess to deal with every time I  changed oil with the original.  Besides, the correct filter element was not available to me locally and I had to order them.  The spin-on oil filter does the same job without the mess, and I can get them anywhere.  


The only time my BJ8 has ever stranded me was when the generator bearings failed in Washington, DC.  It took me three days to find a place that could actually rebuild a Lucas generator while my car was parked at a highway patrol station (and, by the way, Healey Surgeons in a DC suburb did NOT have the correct generator for my car).  The alternator I replaced it with is available at any auto parts store.  My traveling companion had a failure of his alternator on the way home from Southeastern in Alabama a few years ago, and we had a replacement from the nearest parts store installed in about an hour.   Those of us who are accustomed to driving our Healeys far from home install most of these modifications for reliability and convenience.  At least, I do.


Steve Byers


BJ8 Registry

AHCA Delegate at Large

Havelock, NC USA





From: Healeys [mailto:healeys-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of josef-eckert at t-online.de
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 3:15 AM
To: Jean Caron; Healeys, Forum
Subject: [Healeys] texas cooler




I heart of broken blades on original one piece 6 blade fans which are special items for hotter climates, but not with the ordinary two piece 4 blade fans.

Friends some 10-20 years ago installed BMW 5Series plastic fans. Some reconed cooler water temperatures. I am still happy with the original fan blades and when I can get one of them I buy it and keep it. Its the same with original oil filter cases. I see no big improvement changing to cartridge ones. Or changing original generators for alternators. I think its for those who like to play with their cars. Often this causes more troubles than they had before.


Josef Eckert



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