[Healeys] Healey on BAT Auction

Charlie Baldwin mgcharlie at comcast.net
Thu Dec 4 18:00:47 MST 2014

In that sense the Volvo gives you the best of both worlds: overdrive, 
all synchro, and a reverse light switch.

The lighter engine weight should help with handling too.


On 12/4/2014 6:50 PM, Wilko2 wrote:
> Lighter weight means more power/better acceleration.  Healey is a sports car,
> so you get faster wind in your hair.
> The volvo uses the same type electric overdrive. The Toyota kit loses the
> overdrive switch, but you get all syncro gears and less drag on the engine, so
> more power to wheels. Oh, and a reverse light switch.
> How does it hinder the Healey driving experience?
> On Dec 4, 2014, at 3:09 PM, <dwflagg at juno.com> <dwflagg at juno.com> wrote:
>> And how does this improve the Healey driving experience?
>>> How 'bout that. it is hundreds less.
>>> Volvo B18 weighs in at ~350 lbs. Healey 611
>>> Transmission with laycock overdrive is similar to Healey
>>> transmission weight.
>>> Here are the weights I measured comparing Healey trans to Toyota:
>>> Healey transmission with overdrive is  115 pounds
>>> toyota transmission 77 pounds
>>> Healey engine back plate 19.7 lbs
>>> Alloy back plate 7 lbs
>>> That's a savings of 51 lbs!
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