[Healeys] Poor running and smoking engine.

Austin Healey pajtamuvek at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 22:44:51 MDT 2013

Running the engine wh oil in the dashpot can lean out the mixture on
acceleration. But if the mixture was a bit on the lean side before, it
might (might!) cause piston overheating, and ring seizure or ring tension
loss. And then comes the blue smoke.


2013/10/4 <healeyguy at aol.com>

> Brian
> Does this car have a power brake booster on it? If so check the
> brake/clutch
> fluid supply tank for low fluid level. If really low the booster needs
> repair
> or replacement.
> Aloha
> Perry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Drab <bgdrab at eastlink.ca>
> Here is a question for all to ponder.
> Last weekend I, and a number of fellow club members, attended a North West
> eet in Cle Elum Washington. We experienced some rain during the meet. One
> lub member, who is driving a BJ7, gassed up at a local gas station, during
> he meet. On the evening of the last day, he experienced sudden bout of
> ough running and spitting back through the carbs. Prior to that, the car
> ad been running very well. The car smoothed out and later that evening
> uddenly ran rough again then stopped running.3 fuel pumps later we thought
> he problem had been solved. Sunday, he topped up his gas tank at the same
> tation and pump as before and away we went on the return journey. About an
> our into the journey it was noticed that on acceleration after decelerating
> nd also during shifting, a quantity of blue oil smoke out the exhaust. The
> ar was spitting back through the carbs regularly and frequently. Only very
> ight throttle pressure made it drive reasonable. After a couple of more
> ours we topped our tanks. Running with the choke out a bit made it run
> etter. Within the hour all previous signs of rough running disappeared as
> id any smoke from the exhaust. By the time we were almost home the car was
> unning normal again.
> I believe a tankful of bad gas could have caused the rough running but the
> moke from the exhaust has me, and everyone else, baffled.
> Anyone have experience with this or thoughts on the subject?
> Brian Drab
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