[Healeys] Fuel (was: tuning and timing)

Chris Dimmock austin.healey at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 10:33:34 MDT 2013

How does the world measure octane?
Well. There is
And there is
And there is PON
Your 91 octane in the US is PON? MON?
Healeys are British cars. Imperial measurements. We use RON.
Does the manual specify pints and gallons? Is a pint a pint??
should you just assume when the manual says pints/gallons they are US pints??
Or read it closely and see they (being British) refer to Imperial pints?
If I bought a 1960's Mustang, in Australia, I'd probably just assume that
pints/gallons were US gallons. Not "my" pints/gallons. Mine, being Australian,
were Imperial.
I'm 53. 5 star 100 octane?? Imperial 100 octane?? That would be RON - just
like the 100 Octane fuel they sold in England? The 5 star 100 octane referred
to in BMC manuals???? RON.
That's old school leaded 'super'
They only stopped selling that in Australia about 20 years ago.
Sometimes, you need to read the measurement. RON. MON Imperial pints. US
Anyway. The issue is about the advance of the ignition for the octane.
Thank goodness there aren't US degrees, or this thread would never end......

Sent from my iPhone

On 07/06/2013, at 1:30 AM, Bob Spidell <bspidell at comcast.net> wrote:

> Chris,
> How are you performing your octane-rating tests?
> Yes, TEL does more than lubricate.  If fact, TEL was discovered/developed at
the Sloan-Kettering institute (think it was part of GM at the time) in the
1930s in an effort to improve anti-detonation properties of fuel so more
powerful aircraft piston engines could be developed (some people saw WWII
coming long before it started).  The lubrication qualities were a fortunate
side effect.
> Anyway, it's a moot point because unleaded gasoline has caused all older
engines to blow all their exhaust valves through the head already.
> Don't know that I've ever seen '100 octane 5-star,' but I'm only 60.
> Bob
> --------------------------------
> Bob Spidell - San Jose, CA
> Short answer..
> It has no tetra ethyl lead.
> TEL does more than lubricate.
> It burns differently than the additives that replace it.
> Tell me why modern fuel goes stale and loses up to 5 octane points after 2
or 3 weeks in a drum/ tank????????
> Never used to happen with 100 octane 5 star, did it??????
> Why is that??
> Chris

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