[Healeys] Harbor Freight flyer

Bob Spidell bspidell at comcast.net
Thu Oct 18 07:48:43 MDT 2012

HF put in a store about a mile-and-a-half from my house.  Dangerous.  I must have about 500 cheap air tools.

The 20% coupons are addictive.


On 10/18/2012 6:13 AM, Charlie Baldwin wrote:
> Mark,
> Harbor Freight is an institution here in the USA, with retail stores in
> almost any city of any size.  Their tools are cheap, but great for many
> of us non-professionals who just want to get our car hobby or other jobs
> done cheaply.
> I have a lot of Harbor Freight tools.
> As an aside to that, the AACA Fall Hershey flea market, car corral, and
> car show were last week.  The flea market may be the largest automotive
> flea market in the world, covering many acres of land.  I live close by,
> so almost always go each year.  Anyway, I had a few Harbor Freight type
> tools that I wanted to pick up there as they always used to have several
> vendors with large tents that sold the cheap Chinese tools like HF
> does.  I could not find one of those vendors this year, which I
> attributed to HF's penetration into the market place in every city in
> the USA, which has put all of those others out of business.
> Charlie
> On 10/18/2012 12:37 AM, Mark Donaldson wrote:
>> I seem to have some of these tools.  They seemed like a good idea at
>> the time.   Do any of you gentlemen have some?   :-)
>> Mark
>> Auckland
>> NZ

Bob Spidell           San Jose, CA            bspidell at comcast.net


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