[Healeys] Speedograph air filter wanted, plus SU filter rehab instructions

john spaur jmsdarch at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 7 18:18:29 MDT 2012

How did you open the air cleaner to remove the filter media? Did you 
pry out the mesh?

John Spaur
'62 Tri-carb

At 06:30 PM 10/7/2012 -0400, warthodson at aol.com wrote:
>I think I am the person to whom you are referring.The two halves of the air
>filter were separated with out cutting & I installed filter media from a K&N
>air filter.
>Contact me if you have any questions.
>Gary Hodson
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Randy Dickson <rdickson at midwestarchaeology.com>
>To: healeys <healeys at autox.team.net>
>Sent: Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:08 pm
>Subject: [Healeys] Speedograph air filter wanted, plus SU filter rehab
>Fellow Healeyoids,
>I want to install a different filter arrangement other than the stock SU
>wire-mesh filters that could suck a squirrel through.
>I have two new Speedograph air filters for 1 > SU carbs and Im looking for
>a third to mound on my triple HS6 setup on my BJ7.  Anybody know of a source
>in the US or have an extra they would part with?
>I would probably go with three K&Ns but they are rather pricey.  Also, does
>anybody have a link for the fellow that cut his SU filters apart and
>inserted a different filter matrix?  Just looking at options here.  Thanks!
>63 BJ7
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