[Healeys] Temp Gauge

Bob Spidell bspidell at comcast.net
Sun May 27 09:04:15 MDT 2012

Agreed, and thanks for the offer. At home, I would check against a thermometer; however, I'm on the road (Squamish, Canada) and need to improvise. I put a new thermostat in--in a motel parking lot--and get exactly the same reading (160 with two 180deg thermostats) so at this point I'm convinced the gauge is reading 20deg low. Before I left, I pulled the gauge out a half-inch or so to replace the O-ring. I think I might have stretched or bent something, but IIRC the gauge was reading low before. Also, the gauge indicates 192deg when the engine is turned off, and it used to indicate 212deg exactly. The speedometers are largely calibrated by moving the needle, might try same on the temp gauge. 

Off topic, but I bought a set of wiper blades from Moss and installed before I left knowing we'd likely get rain (we did). Unfortunately, the blades drag so badly the wiper motor couldn't move them. Installed some old ones and motor works fine (the Moss blades--the rubber part--are about a half-inch wide and don't seem appropriate). Anybody else experience this phenomenon? Having a hard time finding replacement blades; thinking of trying 'Trico Classic,' but not sure if they'll fit the wiper arm (which, FWIW, appears to be a 5mm). Got an Anco brand 10" blade--unfortunately the store only had one--and it works great (with an adapter for the arm) but it's black! 


Bob Spidell - San Jose, CA 

----- Original Message -----

You should check the temp with an infrared gun (Harbor Freight for 30 or so bucks). Aim at the thermostat housing. Then if you still feel it is off, remove the sensor and see if there is crud around it. I cannot think of anything that would cause the needle to have moved. If you don't want to get an infrared, I can bring one at the next Healey event we both attend. Let me know where you are headed and I'll let you know if I'm going. 
Rich Kahn 
So. Lake Tahoe 

> My temp gauge has lost calibration; it indicates 160deg when it should read 180 (I tried a different thermostat with no change). Otherwise, it seems to be working (but reading 20deg low). 
> Can the indicator needle be pulled (carefully) off and (re) set to give correct temperature? 

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