[Healeys] What did I do wrong?

Chris Dimmock austin.healey at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 07:11:02 MDT 2012

There are usually 6 questions that answer themselves, when a Healey doesn't
sell quickly....
1. Have you tried to sell your (100/6) on eBay?
2. How much are you asking for your (100/6)? Are you asking a Kings Ransom for
an average car? Has it been concours judged to an international standard??
3. Where is your (100/6) located?
4. How much did a recent sale of a (100/6) in your area make?
5. Does your (100/6) have original documentation, matching engine/ chassis
numbers and a heritage certificate?
6. Is there anything about your (100/6) that makes your car unique, desirable,
or collectible?
Ask yourself those questions...
3 no's (1,5,6) then that's your answer...
Try the same questions - insert your model in the brackets ( )

Sent from my iPhone

On 03/06/2012, at 9:26 PM, Austin Healey <pajtamuvek at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
> I am trying to sell my '58 BN4 bolt-and-nut restored Healey since last
> october without success.
> What do You think, what do (did) I do wrong? Please do not be gentle: tell
> me the truth!
> You can see my car at:
> austinhealey.fw.hu
> I am realy interested in the possible causes. Doing this car was a real
> dream-come-true. I came from nowhere, started my "bussiness" in a garage
> with a few battered, rusty spanners 10 years ago, with this dream-car on my
> mind. Now that I managed to build it finaly, this is the first time ever I
> have doubts if I did it right.
> Please if You have ideas, tell me

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