[Healeys] That Stolen Healey

Chris Dimmock austin.healey at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 08:35:13 MDT 2012

That's the story I want to hear too Richard.
Who stole the car 42 years ago, and was it the seller???
Yeah. Statute of limitations.
But seriously. If the seller was the thief, someone (like the police) needs to
sort him out. The dealer must be pretty upset - hopefully, they'll provide the
Otherwise. I declare next Concave/ National Rally/ Healey Motokhana
Championship on the guy who owned the car post 1970's - front lawn!!!!
Joke guys.
The "odd" donut isn't quite the same as 400 Healeys doing 5 donut based
Motokhana tests......

Yes - I want to know if the guy who had the BJ8 was the "40 years ago" thief?
Or a "fence"
Answers restore my faith.
P.S. And don't steal my Healey. or I'll find you when I'm 93!!! And I'll hit
you with my wheelchair!!!!

Sent from my iPhone

On 16/07/2012, at 11:35 AM, Richard Ewald <richard.ewald at gmail.com> wrote:

> What they aren't telling you is that the dealer has an open and shut case
> against the guy they bought the

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