[Healeys] bn

Rich Chrysler richchrysler at quickclic.net
Fri Oct 28 15:50:36 MDT 2011

An MGB/GT is coded GHD..... no confusion there.


-----Original Message-----
From: healeys-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:healeys-bounces at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of Charlie Baldwin
Sent: 2011-10-28 3:32
To: healeys at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] bn

So those of us that have other BMC cars can decode the suffix the same way.
A Bugeye would be HAN.  Are later Sprites HGN?
An MGB would be GHN.  Anybody have an MGB GT?  What is the suffix for that?
A MIdget would be GAN as Steve Byers said, but would not a '73 be a 1275 
and therefore GGN?
Perhaps this along with the Sprite above would keep the same designation 
throughout it's lifetime, even if a smaller capacity engine is enlarged 
Yes, it is confusing.

On 10/28/2011 1:30 PM, Peter Svilans wrote:
> Hi Mike
> They are indeed part of a larger system used by BMC.
> !st letter (name):
> A- Austin
> G- MG
> H- Healey
> M- Morris
> R- Riley
> W- Wolseley
> 2nd letter (cubic capacity):
> L- up to 799cc
> A- 800cc- 999cc
> G- 1000- 1399cc
> H- 1400- 1999cc
> B- 2000- 2999cc
> D- 3000- 3999cc
> 3rd letter (body type):
> A-  Ambulance
> C-  Chassis
> D-  Coupe
> E-  GPO Engineers (post office)
> G-  GPO Mail
> H-  Hearse
> J-  Convertible
> K-  Truck
> L-  Hire Car
> M-  Limousine
> N-  2-seat Tourer
> P-  Hard Top
> O-  Chassis and Cab
> R-  Chassis and Scuttle
> S-  4-door Saloon
> 2S-  2-door Saloon
> T-  4-Seat Tourer
> U-  Pickup
> V-  Van
> W-  Dual Purpose
> X-  Taxi
> They didn't really think of the BN4 as a true 4-seater at first.  Geoffrey
> Healey says in his book "It was euphemistically called an occasional four
> seater"
> Best
> Peter
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