[Healeys] battery draining or not holding charge

David Nock healeydoc at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 3 09:25:25 MDT 2011

The generator is not charging the battery.
Either a faulty generator or a faulty regulator.

David Nock
British Car Specialists
Stockton Ca 95205


On Oct 2, 2011, at 8:45 PM, Randey Brophy wrote:

> I have a 1965 fully restored BJ8    I replaced the battery recently  
> and
> after 3 weeks  of running fine the  new battery is now not holding  
> a charge.
> I have nothing in the car that would drain the battery-no radio  
> etc- except
> for a Viper GPS, which everyone tells me shouldn't tax the battery.  
> The
> Viper periodically reports battery low while I'm traveling in the  
> car and
> today the car wouldn't start after a fill up and needed a few  
> attempts at a
> jump start before it would turn over. Cruising back to town at  
> 70-85 MPH the
> overdrive stopped working for a bit car automatically went our of  
> overdrive
> and wouldn't go back in,then the ignition light came on indicating the
> battery's not charging; after awhile the ignition light went out  
> overdrive
> worked again, but when I got home parked it and turned it off it  
> wouldn't
> start again..Zilch after a 50 mile drive which should have  
> recharged the
> battery.  Please advise what's going on and what to do to fix  
> this..thanks
> Randey Brophy
> 1747 Trafalgar St
> Vancouver BC
> V6K3R9
> C 604 928 1866
> randey_brophy at telus.net
> "You are what you do."
> cid:2CEF16BD-C2F4-4E37-A75E-82C333CC2756 at local
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/png which had a  
> name of image001.png]
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