[Healeys] oil pressure relief spring

Williams, Allen awill at ccs.ua.edu
Thu May 26 21:16:03 MDT 2011

Thanks for the reply. I went back and did a search in the archives (which I
should have done before asking the question) so I better understand the issue.
I saw mention of shorter than stock springs, so I gather it's typical of that
product. That's no problem as long as it holds to 60 psi. But, if it has
lighter compressive force and opens at, say, 40psi. would that not be an
issue? Conjecture, of course. The bottom line for me is if no one has a
problem with them, I'm OK with using it.

From: healeymanjim at hansencc.net [healeymanjim at hansencc.net]
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 9:39 PM
To: Williams, Allen
Subject: Re: [Healeys] oil pressure relief spring

the pressure relief valve only works when the oil is cold and it opens to
allow bypass and keeps the pressure at approx 60psi. once the oil gets warm
enough to drop below 60psi the valve closes, never to enter the oil pressure
equation again unless  the pressure rises above 60 psi for some obscure
reason.  it is like a thermostat; once open it no effect on termperature
except to keep the temp from falling below the set value.  hjim

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