[Healeys] falcon exhausts

Alan Seigrist healey.nut at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 08:08:56 MST 2011

I bought a Falcon system about 15 years ago for my BJ8.  it fit without
problems, except one downpipe was a little short which was fixed with an
extension from Pep Boys.  definitely worth the price considering the
alternative from Bell was about twice the price.  Still going strong despite
having bottomed out on the silencer about 10 times .


On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Al Malin <amalin at mac.com> wrote:

> Last year when I put in a Falcon system I had problems similar to the ones
> experienced by hjim. It was disappointing to pay a lot of money and then
> have
> to dink around to make it fit. If given a choice I wouldn't buy Falcon
> again.
> Al Malin
> Tricarb

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