[Healeys] Col Dodds
Chris Dimmock
austin.healey at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 02:25:49 MDT 2011
Thank you Bob.
To be honest, I just totally lost it when I heard. Sorry to all. I
just needed to vent.
Let me add some Healey related context to my teary email outburst....
Colin Dodds (who runs www.spriteparts.com.au ) uhas been a member of
the Sprite club of Australia for pretty close to 40 years. I've known
Col and his wife Carol for over 30 years.
Anyone who has ever been on a spridget mailing list would know Colin.
He has raced spridgets for close to 40 years, and runs what I can only
describe as an 'open workshop'. Anyone with a Sprite or Healey can
basically turn up, and work on their car at Colins place. And he will
give advice, help, supply parts, tools etc. Or he will do it for you.
Yea. It's a business. But a seriously old fashioned one. You can
Colin (and Carol) are wonderful people. And the absolute irony of
losing their daughter to an idiot who couldn't control a car in a
straight line on a public road just made both my blood and brain boil.
Especially when Colin is one of the the most awesome race drivers it
has ever been my priviledge to sit next to at driver training days and
track days.
And he's a mate. When i was depessed during my divorce, Col was there
to help. To snap me out of it.
And now he's lost his daughter in the most ironic way possible. And
Colin & Carol's only grandchild has lost their Mum.
And the Government still installs speed cameras. And the Government
still won't mandate advanced driver training courses for young
drivers. So most young drivers still get to lose control of their car
for the first on a public road.
Like what happened 2 days ago.
And these idiot drivers have no idea how to correct it. Because our
driver education system doesn't teach them how to.
No young driver in NSW Australia has to get lessons on a skid pan.....
Just on public roads.
..... And thats why they tkill innocent people like Catherine.
Sent from my iPhone
On 06/08/2011, at 3:41 AM, Bob Engdahl <Bob.Engdahl at bnsnet.com> wrote:
> Chris,
> You are right on so many levels. Venting helps.
> I am sorry for your and the Dodd family's loss.
> Bob Engdahl
> BNS Network Solutions, Inc.
> 515-967-7544
> bob.engdahl at bnsnet.com
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: healeys-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:healeys-
> bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Chris Dimmock
> Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 9:26 AM
> To: Healeys
> Subject: [Healeys] Col Dodds
> I am very sad. A very close friend's daughter was killed in a car
> accident this morning at Kellyville.
> When the f#%ck will the NSW RTA realise that driver education saves
> lives? And #%^|king speed cameras just raise money????
> How much did the NSW RTA spend on buying speed cameras last year? How
> much did they spend on young children driving courses?
> F&:$& you RTA. The blood is on your hands.
> Allegedly Catheine was killed by an unlicensed driver, in an
> unregistered car. YeH. Alledgedly . Where did the RTA train this
> clown? Without a licence????? Unregistered car??????
> Allegedly. How did that happen?
> Tell me about your speed cameras and how they protect our children you
> fuckwits!!
> Tell me how you RTA clowns.
> Just venting guys. Why should one of us lose our daughter?
> Please, someone forward this to Ed, or the Sprite list.
> Col Dodds and his wife Carol, and Carly and Christopher
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