[Healeys] Carburettor trouble

Alan Seigrist healey.nut at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 17:49:41 MST 2010

Rich -

The cork seals for the H series carbs are supposed to be soaked in
motor oil for 24 hours prior to assembly to prevent them from losing
their seal after a few miles of use.  If you use water they can start
leaking after a couple months.



On 1/27/10, Rich C <richchrysler at quickclic.net> wrote:
>  The H series does have the little cork ring seals within the jet assembly.
> In position they are compressed under a chamfered brass ring, surrounding
> the moveable brass jet. I've built up a lot of carbs over the years and note
> that it's relatively easy to pinch, tear or otherwise damage these cork
> rings if you aren't careful during assembly. It helps to soak them in water
> before installation. Some of these seals may have been sitting in a dry
> package for a long time, and assembling them wet can help eliminate initial
> assembly sticking and snagging as they go together.
> Rich
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <glemon at neb.rr.com>
> To: "Paul Leeks" <Paull at glasgows.co.uk>; "Oudesluys" <coudesluijs at chello.nl>
> Cc: <healeys at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Carburettor trouble
>> Having read the e-mail question "the leek seems to be in the main part of
>> the carb area" doesn't the H4 still have the nasty leaky rubber seals for
>> the sliding jet? If so I would guess this to be your problem, some supply
>> cork seals and some neoprene rubber in the rebuild kits, I have had more
>> luck with the rubber kind, also have had luck polishing the
>> sliding/sealing surface of the jet with some polishing compound prior to
>> assembly.
>> I have installed grose jets on a number of cars and ran for years with no
>> problems, which is more than I can say for the original equipment float
>> needles, although I understand the newer versions are better, but I have
>> never had a reason to take off the grose jets, and enough bad experiences
>> with OEM style needles to not be inclined to go back.
>> Greg Lemon
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