[Healeys] Re - delayed turn signals

andy pole ampole at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 13 08:16:12 MDT 2010

Looking at the wiring diagram for the FL5 flasher unit on a BJ8 there are two
sets of contacts, one to drive the indicator light circuit and one to drive
the Dash lights.

The dash light contact points may need cleaning.

It looks like a quick check to test if its the contacts would be to take the
indicator can out of the circuit. Therefore terminal B (green cable from fuse)
and terminal P (light green and pink cable to dash lights) and terminal L
(green and brown feed to load / main indicator lights via trafficator switch)
could all be shorted together. With the trafficator moved either side it
should turn on thats side indicator light and dash lights permantly. If lights
are dull or not working checks earth contacts.

In theory this would work for the earlier cars that use the extra relay to
switch between combined brake lights / indicators etc (dont quote me as I have
not studied the diagram for the DB10 relay).

cheers Andy

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