[Healeys] Electrical conecctors for Lucas Altette horns

Jean Caron vintage_roadster_restoration at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 28 06:58:54 MST 2009


A while back, Roger Moment had the rubber gasket reproduced and was selling
them, not sure if he still has any.

Jean Caron

Vintage Roadster Restoration

> Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 09:27:11 +0100
> From: twillig at ruda.de
> To: healeys at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Healeys] Electrical conecctors for Lucas Altette horns
> Hello,
> I need advise on the following questions about Lucas Altette Horns:
> 1. How are the wires from the wiring loom attached to the horns? Bullet
> connectors maybe? Who sells these connectors?
> 2. Does someone sell the rubbers, isolating plate and steep plate which
> hold the electrical connectors in place?
> Thanks
> Thomas Willig
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