[Healeys] Tire Pressure

Greg Lemon glemon at neb.rr.com
Wed Dec 16 17:23:26 MST 2009

My reading and understanding the primmary benefit of nitrogen is that the 
molecules are bigger than oxygen molecules, so you get much less microscopic 
"seepage" and pressure stays up longer, maybe not as big a deal to those of 
us with a garage full of tools and the ability and inclination to use them, 
but for the drive it and only look at it when something goes wrong person 
with a modern car maybe a good thing.

Secondly, no oxygen no internal oxydation of the tires/wheels, don't know if 
this is that big an issue.

Lastly, I agree with Peter, don;t think most people will notice a differnce 
in driving or performance or tire life/wear.

Greg Lemon 

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