[Healeys] travelling assistance in France

Bernard Cristalli bcrist at club-internet.fr
Tue Dec 1 12:36:15 MST 2009

That's true. I used to wear a "Canadian Armed Forces" jacket and I was 
always very well treated.

Rich C a icrit :
> Robert,
> Make sure your son wears something that shows people he's Canadian; a 
> maple leaf emblem on his collar, a Canadian flag pin, anything like 
> that. It will make a huge difference in how much better he's treated 
> throughout Europe and especially in France.
> Rich Chrysler
> ----- Original Message ----- From: <robertduquette at sympatico.ca>
> To: "Healeys" <healeys at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 9:53 AM
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] travelling assistance in France
>> Scenery is secondary.  He's going to see a girl.
>> LOL!  If he does need to talk louder and use the hand gestures, I'll 
>> request
>> that he put a US flag patch on to help your image.
>> He should know 'some' French.  He was in French immersion for 3 
>> years, way
>> back when ... but he hasn't had much need to use it.  One might think 
>> with my
>> last name and that I grew up ... ( maybe that's not the right phrase? 
>> ) ...
>> was born and raised in the province of Quebec that there might be 
>> some French
>> language in me somewhere to pass down, but alas, no.
>> Robert Duquette
>> Ottawa ON Canada
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