[Healeys] Socket Drive Dimensions

Oudesluys coudesluijs at chello.nl
Mon Aug 3 08:42:52 MDT 2009

In wood sizes it is even weirder. In the UK they have used metric 
standard sizes for donkeys years. In Holland (and possibly the rest of 
continental Europe) we still use inches for the standard sizes.
Kees Oudesluijs

> [Healeys] Socket Drive Dimensions
> Folks -
> 	As we all know, the U.S.A. is one of the few (if not the only) country that
> has not adopted the Metric System. I am not trying to revive this particular
> religious war, but I was wondering about something. Over the years I have
> acquired a great many sockets and ratchets. They come in several "drive" sizes
> - quarter inch, three eighths inch, half inch, and three quarter inch. Does
> the rest of the world use these drive dimensions, or do they have comparable
> metric sizes - perhaps 10 MM drive or 15 MM drive ? Just wondering.
> 	Healey content: I use these sockets to work on my BJ8.
> 	- Bernie Johnsen 1967 BJ8
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