[Healeys] 64 BJ8 Starting

Warthodson at aol.com Warthodson at aol.com
Sat Mar 22 17:06:06 MST 2008

I will also be starting up, for the first time, a '64 BJ8 (Phase I) in a  few 
weeks. Small world. To test the electrics, I plan to temporarily install a  
small (10 to 15 Amp) fuse in line with the power lead from the battery to  the 
solenoid. I will then turn on the ignition switch. If the fuse does not  blow, 
I will then test each electrical sub circuit, one at a time, such as the  
horn, lights, turn signal, wiper, etc. If they all pass, I will then crank the  
engine over with the plugs removed to bring up oil pressure. Lastly, I will  
reinstall the plugs & fire up the beast. 
Gary Hodson
In a message dated 3/22/2008 11:52:43 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
frogeye at porterscustom.com writes:

Make  darn sure that the cam and tappets still have a good break-in lube
coating  on them. Keep the idle at at least 1500-1800 RPM for the first  10-15
minutes. (I'm assuming that these parts are new or never run  together

frogeye at porterscustom.com

Porter  Customs
Albuquerque, NM USA 87107
1954 BN2
Porter  Custom  Bicycles

-----Original  Message----
From:  healeys-bounces+frogeye=porterscustom.com at autox.team.net
[mailto:healeys-bounces+frogeye=porterscustom.com at autox.team.net]  On Behalf
Of Dan Stromquist
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 10:33  AM
To: Healey List Emails
Subject: [Healeys] 64 BJ8  Starting


After 20 years and my best attempt at a concours  restoration, we are about
to fire up the Healey at the shop.  All  advice is welcome.  I'd hate to ruin
this thing after all this  work.


Daniel A  Stromquist
Healeys at autox.team.net

You  are subscribed as  frogeye at porterscustom.com


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Healeys at autox.team.net

You  are subscribed as  warthodson at aol.com


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