[Healeys] Comment for what it is worth

the walkers thewalkers at qwest.net
Fri Mar 21 10:49:26 MST 2008

Come on, this is a silly argument.   This list is supposed to be a world 
wide Healey website, not a political or joke forum.  There is very 
little upside to sending in any off-topic stuff that one wants.  I know 
of at least one person that resigned the list (who I enjoyed reading his 
posts) because of a religious joke.  Upside of of topic stuff like the 
Friday Funnies - zero, downside - we lose people since there is a facet 
of humor that often requires someone being the butt of the joke.

Google "humor", add what kind you want (political, religious, whatever), 
add "forum" if you want to find a site where you can join in.  There are 
lots and lots of them.  Make a group and get all the folks here that 
want to do this and the rest can keep out.

Just get over this, end the Friday Funnies even, just don't get mad and 
leave.   This list is darn valuable as time goes on,  there are less and 
less of us and  this has been a great way to communicate.

bob walker
phoenix, az

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