[Healeys] Grease Zerk Confusion - Or, what a gooey mess!!
Alan Seigrist
healey.nut at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 17:24:36 MST 2008
Sounds like those are the very special Zerk-hua fitting from the famous
Wangzhongshang zerk fitting factory #3 located in beautiful downtown
Donguan, Guangzhou, China. Incidentally the factory next door makes the
highly touted medical Hespan from discarded pig intestines which has a
medical death failure rate of ONLY 20%, not bad and more or
less acceptable for a blood volume expander (i.e. saline/plasma).
Can you tap out the holes and put in the other fittings? Maybe have a
machine shop weld up the holes and tap them if necessary, it won't cost that
much to have it done right...
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 9:59 PM, Brashear, Jack, N <
JNBrashear at garverengineers.com> wrote:
> Hi All, I just started to install all new front suspension parts (from
> one of the usual big suppliers) on a friend's BN6. The new king pins
> and the lower trunnion big cup nuts came with new zerks installed. My
> Plews brand grease gun connector will not work on any of these zerks -
> it's too loose and the goo squirts out around the connection, even if I
> shove it on as hard as I can. My gun works just fine on the original
> zerks on the rest of the car. Soooo, I tried to replace the "new" zerks
> with the original AH zerks. Well, the threads are different. What do I
> have here?? Are the new zerks metric or something?? I thought all
> zerks were created equal once, but maybe that's been changed by
> outsourcing. How about the connector on my grease gun - are there
> different styles/sizes nowadays?? Someone out there please help me out.
> Sheesh.....
> As always, many thanks,
> Jack "Dry Joints" Brashear
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