[Healeys] BJ8 Overdrive Kicks Out

Alan Seigrist healey.nut at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 21:33:49 MDT 2008

Phil -

If he really was a master mechanic, he would not have removed the relays.
The relays are typically very easy and cheap to fix without replacement.
Sounds to me he didn't know much about the cars.

You definitely do not want to be using the OD without the relays - they are
there for several very good reasons.  Unless you are a racer and very
knowledgeable about the cars, the relays were put in there specifically for
the average user to prevent them from destroying their ODs.  I'd spend the
time and effort to try to rig all the relays up again, it wouldn't be a very
difficult job, frankly, and will make driving the car much more
pleasurable.  One of the small pleasures about driving these cars is when I
blip the throttle to cut the OD out of 4th coming off the highway.


'52 A90
'53 BN1
'64 BJ8

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:13 AM, <philritten at aol.com> wrote:

> The person who owned my car (two owners ago) was a master mechanic and took
> out the relay entirely. I didn't even know I was supposed to have it until
> someone at the conclave told me.?My car works wonderfully without it. One
> person suggested I clutch when flipping the switch on and off, but it worked
> fine before I started doing this. Has anyone else removed it completely?
> Also, I haven't had any problems if I forget to turn it off except it acts
> like I'm in too high a gear (which clues me in)
> Phil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed's Shop <shop at justbrits.com>
> To: healeys at autox.team.net
> Sent: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 8:12 pm
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] BJ8 Overdrive Kicks Out
> <<Just don't forget to turn that switch off!!  cccrruuunnnnch!  There's a
> reason
> why the whole OD system on the healeys is set to fail "off" most of the
> time, I
> wouldn't bypass the relay system.>>
> Boy Alan, are we IN agreement here!!!  er UNLESS the $50 part is worth the
> 'chance' of destroying the O.D.!!!
> Gotta "know when to fold 'em, know when to hold 'em" is the way it goes as
> I
> recall!!<G>
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