[Healeys] Healey 4 Seater Hard Top F/S

tomfelts at windstream.net tomfelts at windstream.net
Tue Jul 1 12:06:04 MDT 2008

I don't even remember what Mark wrote, but it must have been one heck of a post to generate this response.  For some reason I felt ANY Healey owner had more class than to resort to F word.

First time I have ever seen it used here.


> From: "Mike Vasquez" <mike.vasquez at gmail.com>
> Date: 2008/07/01 Tue PM 01:38:00 EDT
> To: Healeys at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Healey 4 Seater Hard Top F/S
> Mark probably doesn't realize the number of people that lurk on the
> list.  I've found the list highly enjoyable reading over the last week
> I've been on.  Joined not as an owner, but in hopes of owning an ah at
> some point.
> So, Mark was wrong, however, if I were a business owner of a
> restaurant in Matawan, I sure hope I'd put up a better public face
> than this email represented.
> I teach my kids, 2 wrongs don't make a right.  Neither display was impressive.
> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 10:28 AM,  <tomleavy at comcast.net> wrote:
> > Mark-
> >
> > I didn't just stumble into your private room. I've read this list Jackass. Everyday.  If you weren't interested in the heading, than you should'nt have read it. Others were, and they replied. That's how a list works.
> >
> > Like many of the subscribers, I enjoy reading the contributions of many of the listers. I have learned alot about Healeys, and along the way have also learned about how the list works. It's a community of people sharing a common interest. Like any community, however, there are always just a few who don't get on well with others. They lack humility and have an overinflated perception of the value of their opinion
> >
> > If you can't keep your snide comments to yourself, than shut the fuck up entirely. Go join some other list where people just flame each other instead of sticking to the topic. That might be the best thing to do, because the rest of us are sick and tired of listening to assholes like you on this list. Dickhead.
> >
> > --
> > Thomas Leavy
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