[Healeys] Conclave Convoy Coordination (C^3)

Rick Snover ricksnover at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 20 16:00:50 MST 2008


I've seen a few postings on various lists (and received a couple inquiries 
directly) regarding convoys from various points of origin to Conclave '08 
here in San Diego this summer. I suspect this traffic will probably 
increase in the next few months, and it occurred to me that I could set up 
something to assist everyone in making contact with others who'll be 
driving from or through their areas. We could either just use of our 
existing Conclave08-News Yahoo! group 
or I could create a new page on our web site summarizing various convoys 
that are coming. I'm leaning strongly towards the latter, so...

If you're organizing a convoy or know someone who is, drop me an email with 
as much of the following information as is available:
	City of origin;
	Contact email address;
	Departure date;
	Outline of route, including city & date of any overnight stops;
	Arrival date (if not June 29th).

Once I get a look at the volume and complexity of the data I'll decide 
whether or not there's enough of it to warrant the effort, and whether or 
not I'll have the time to maintain the new web page.

Rick Snover, San Diego, CA, USA
Vice President (Membership), Activities Committee Chairman & Web Master
Austin-Healey Club of San Diego <http://www.sdhealey.org>
1964 Sprite Mk III driver
1959 Speedwell Sprite vintage racer (VARA <http://www.vararacing.com>)
1961 3000 Mk II "Tri-Carb" (being restored) and 1955 100 (pieces in storage)

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