[Healeys] Shroud Welding

sebring at illawarra.hotkey.net.au sebring at illawarra.hotkey.net.au
Thu Feb 7 22:10:30 MST 2008

I have welded alloy panels with gas in the back yard, replacing all four lower 
guards/fenders.  Best advice I can give, use a sturdy box to sit on to minimise 
sway and shakes. Fresh clean sheet of regular hardware store alloy and probably 
of most importance have the weld preparation area exact. That is clean two 
minutes before you weld as alum. corrodes (yes) before your eyes by forming an 
oxide skin to protect itself, this will not join well when the parent/base 
metal melts. Usually the oxide melts at a higher temp. than the base metal.
Good quality but ordinary flux will suffice. The second important preparation 
is to cut and prepare the repair patch so there is no daylight between the 
joint, with this preparation you may be able to fuse the two pieces without 
filler. Spot weld with the torch every 3/4 to 7/8 of an inch to restrain the 
well prepared joint. Remember the KISS principal
Preparation is everything

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