[Healeys] Torco

Editorgary at aol.com Editorgary at aol.com
Tue Feb 5 10:04:09 MST 2008

In a message dated 2/5/08 5:15:05 AM, healeys-request at autox.team.net writes:

> In the segment he discusses a zinc 
> additive called Torco that seems to be the answer to an old-car-
> dude's prayer. 
I use Torco products in my race car because my mechanic recommends it. When
you're running a car at 5500-6500 rpm all of the time that it is running, you
need the best you can get and according to several sources, Torco is pretty
darn good. But it IS expensive ($14.95 a quart for engine oil). If you're
interested in a source in central California, my mechanic, Butch Gilbert
stocks it.
bsgil99 at hughes.net.


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